Painless UI Testing
UI Testing on iOS projects is a great thing to keep apps solid and reliable during its whole lifecycle, but sometimes could become a big pain.
When test cases don’t follow best practices, they become difficult to maintain when the test plans grow.
We will review some topics related to unit testing, and see some good practices that can be followed to improve our testing.
In this article you will learn about the next topics:
- Test case naming
- Test case structure
- Access and interaction with UI elements
- Reusing code between test cases
- Improve assertions in test cases
Test case naming
Test cases names must be intuitive and understandable. A test case name can follow a syntax like this:
func test_<what_to_test>_<conditions_of_test>() {
For example, a test case to test sending the message Hello:
func test_sendMessage_hello() {
Test case structure
Test cases should follow a fixed structure, so the test case can be easily followed step by step. I propose the Gherkin structure:
Given the scenario X
when I make the action Y
then I got the result Z
In a test case that sends the message Hello:
func test_sendMessage_hello() {
// Given
let messageToSend = "Hello"
// When
app.textfields["Send something..."].tap()
app.textfields["Send something..."].type("Hello")
// Then
XCTAssert(app.labels["result"].text == "How are you?")
Access and interaction with UI elements
When you record a tap inside a textfield using the recording feature on Xcode, you will end up with something like this:
app.textfields["Send something..."].tap()
Xcode identifies the textfield by its placeholder (Send something). If the placeholder changes in a later code update the test will stop working. To avoid this kind of scenarios, a valid solution is using accessibility identifiers.
Accessibility identifiers helps disabled people using apps identifying elements to be used by Voice Over
For UI testing, they are interesting as they allow us to identify elements in tests. In the viewController class related to the test, some identifiers can be defined this way:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
func viewDidLoad() {
@IBOutlet weak var inputTextField: UITextField! {
didSet {
inputTextField.accessibilityIdentifier = "input_text_field"
@IBOutlet weak var sendButton: UIButton! {
didSet {
sendButton.accessibilityIdentifier = "send_button"
@IBOutlet weak var resultLabel: UILabel! {
didSet {
resultLabel.accessibilityIdentifier = "result_label"
On XCUITests, an element on the UI can be accessed by its identifier from an array that includes every UI element of a kind on the current visible screen of the app: app.buttons, app.textfields, app.labels, etc.:
func test_sendMessage_hello() {
// When
// Then
XCTAssert(app.labels["result_label"].text == "How are you?")
Reusing code between test cases
- Reusing variables
For reusing UI element variables through different test cases, they can be initialized on the XCTestCase class setUp method:
class UITests: XCTestCase {
var app: XCUIApplication!
var inputTextField: XCUIElement!
var sendButton: XCUIElement!
var resultLabel: XCUIElement!
override func setUp() {
app = XCUIApplication()
inputTextField = app.textfields["input_text_field"]
sendButton = app.buttons["send_button"]
resultLabel = app.labels["result_label"]
func test_sendMessage_hello() {
// Given
inputTextField.text = ""
let messageToSend = "Hello"
// When
// Then
XCTAssert(resultLabel.text == "How are you?")
- Reusing methods
Sometimes we need to check different cases for a single method. If we replicate the same instructions in every test case, the code become duplicated. For reusing some code between test cases, we can use helper methods. For example, for the next test:
func test_sendMessage_hello() {
// When
We can create the next helper methods, allowing reusing typing and tapping features:
func typeTextOnInputBar(_ text: String) {
func tapSendButton() {
For specific cases, we can join these two methods into one:
func sendMessage(_ message: String) {
So the test case will become:
func test_sendMessage_Hello() {
// When
Remember to avoid helper methods names starting by
as they will be considered a test case by Xcode
Improve assertions in test cases
When checking whether everything in the test case went as expected, we will use XCTAssert
XCTAssert statements indicate whether a condition is OK or it is not.
An XCTAssert statement is composed like this:
<XCTAssert>(<condition>, <error_message>)
- XCAssert: Kind of assertion: eg. XCAssertTrue -> If the condition is true, it is ok.
- condition: The condition we want to check in a string format.
- error_message: The message that is shown if the condition is not fulfilled. This is important, so we get a quick understanding about why the test fails.
In the used test case, we will check if the result label text is How are you?:
func test_sendMessage_Hello() {
// Then
XCTAssertTrue(labelResult.text == "How are you?", "Invalid text result")
UI Testing can be a very productive way to test your interface but making the tests understandable and maintainable can be hard if we don’t hold to best practices. There are many ways to improve the test cases, I showed you some. Happy coding!
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